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Here at Mass Medical Strains we produce all our seeds organically with love and smiles. Each seed batch is thoroughly tested in multiple environments to ensure stability and desirable traits, before being released. Even our limited one-time release batches go through our rigorous testing process. All packs are heat sealed for authenticity and seeds are in a crush proof container inside the package.
MMS seeds bring joy and success to thousands of cultivators from small passionate home growers, caregivers, to giant commercial scale operators in legal medical and recreational markets. We have something for everyone no matter what your needs are!
Many of our seeds are small batch creations and most of them are limited editions. Please browse all the different seed banks if there's something you're looking for, you may get lucky and find some!
To get Mass Medical Strains seeds, check out the following websites. They are all located in the USA and ship quickly, safely, and discretely to any location. It is up to you to know your local laws and follow them accordingly. We do not sell seeds nor condone any activities. Mass Medical Strains souvenir seeds can be ordered by anyone from the following seedbanks:
For international, visit: - EU Based - UK/Europe - Canada, Australia, UK and more!
top shelf seed bank - Australia
Most of the US banks offer international service as well.
To get our seeds in retail stores in person, visit:
Mass Hydro in Hamilton MA and Georgetown MA
Green Harvest Hydroponics in Peabody MA and Tewksbury MA
Many medical dispensaries around the world offer our strains on their menus! Feel free to reach out to your local dispensaries and ask them to carry Mass Medical Strains genetics. You can find our strains grown by Ocean Breeze Cultivators across the state at licensed Recreational Dispensaries!
Verified MMS Breeder Clones at Boston Clones from time to time.
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